Kimberbell Cuties Volume 2
If you are interested in the Kimberbell Cuties volume 2 and want a little bit of a sale
now is the time. It will be arriving at the store tomorrow and the price will go back to normal.
We will also be starting a new year long group class/club on these super cute projects. WE will start in December so that we can use each topper for the entire month. I have provided the links below to sign up online or you can call or come into the shop to sign up in person.
If you would like to join us for the group class/club I have a few seats left for the second Saturday and the second Tuesday the time will be 10am-2pm for either class.
To participate you must have at least a 5x7 or larger hoop. These will be entirely embroidered in the hoop
(you will have to stitch the blocks together after they are embroidered. I have started my shop sample (they are super fun and easy). I will be turning mine into pillows, if you choose to do this I will show you how.
I will have kits available each month, cost will be $39.99, the kits will include everything you need (except thread, stabilizer and batting).